KidControl Dev. ئاپەکان

QR scanner & QR code generator v1.4
KidControl Dev.
Fast and secure QR code scanner with built-in antivirus andgeotagging!
KidsControl - GPS locator for parental control 1.0.3
KidControl Dev.
Personal safety app keeps track of where your family members are.It's free! Family GPS tracker KidsControl Circles - an app for thesafety of your children and family. Your family can share theirlocation, for example you can know where your child is when he leftschool. You can receive automatic notification when he arrives onits place. 🔥 In GPS locator you can create separate circles foreach group of people you want to be in touch with - family,colleagues, friends. You will see them in your private account, ona separate map. Access to each circle is possible only by specialinvitation. In GPS locator you can: ● add family members to yourprivate account ● create circles for different groups - friends,colleagues, family and others ● create places-geofences and receiveautomatic notifications that a child has left or arrived at a place(e.g., a school) ● browse the location history for today andyesterday ● manage the rights of users in your account ● hide orshow your location to other users ● to see where a traceable phonemight have gotten lost ● the child can send an SOS signal in adifficult situation to all members of the circle You can always bein touch with your family and take parental control of yourchildren You can create any circle - for family, for a journey orto meet friends - and use it any time or delete it when you don'tneed it. To get automated alerts when your kid arrives somewhere,create Places (geo fences), such as School and Home. When your kidenters or leaves these areas, your phone receives a notification.For a trip with friends, create Places and receive notifications toknow you're already on site. Parents can see their child'smovements online and always be sure they're all right. If a childgets lost or gets into a difficult situation, he can use the SOSbutton to send a help alert. In the Premium-version you can: ●create unlimited number of circles and places ● add unlimitednumber of users to each circle ● see movement and battery historyin 2 weeks (instead 2 days in free). 👍🏻 To provide precisecoordinates, the phone must have Location service enabled. EnabledWi-Fi increases accuracy to 30-100 feet and works indoors. GPSlocation has accuracy of 30-150 feet, only outdoors. When GPStracking and Wi-Fi location are turned off or not available,KidsControl family locator determines phone's location by LBScoordinates of GSM towers. KidsControl is not a spying or secretsurveillance solution and the app can not be installed remotely orsecretly. To join this service user has to install the app himselfand enter the invitation code from the inviting user. Users havethe option to stop sharing location for some time or log out froman account or completely delete the app. The app is visible inprograms. Users can share location only inside one account.
Family GPS tracker KidsControl k5.3.6
KidControl Dev.
Track location of your kids and family by their phone and GPS SmartBaby Watches
KidControl. Family GPS locator 6.0.8
KidControl Dev.
Family GPS locator Circles. Kid’s location via Blackbox whenInternet is off!